
The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • Promotion of the BSE concept based on success story cases
  • Expand the knowledge for value chains across feedstocks, products and industries, and particularly for the waste biomass-energy-chemicals nexus.
  • Enhance the link between bio - economy and circular economy by advancing and applying BSE tools, models, methods, and know-how to the development and assessment of transformation technologies for “waste” biomass.
  • Develop and strengthen international and intersectoral research and innovation partnerships through knowledge sharing, synergetic research programs, staff exchange and networking activities in EU.
  • Contribute to training, mobility, and career development of early stage and experienced researchers to support innovation of EU industry and meet environmental and societal needs for using renewable raw materials and producing eco-friendly products.
  • Disseminate and fully exploit the project results through publications, workshops, conferences, data and tools repositories, and knowledge sharing with the community.

The technical objectives
  • Understand and template the waste biomass forms, flows and properties, nationally and internationally, within EU.
  • Expand the repository of waste biomass property and process models, process integration, technoeconomic and sustainability assessment methods and test them in “real-life” problems.
  • Enhance the modelling of bio-and chemo-catalytic transformation paths to provide links with industrial sectors that either supply or make use of the biorenewables.
  • Develop knowledge management tools (i.e., data structures, workflows, protocols) for the effective communication across the diverse academic research scales and industrial applications (i.e., lab-to-unit operations-to-process and plant-design-to-business development-to-sustainability assessment).
  • Evaluate technologies for production of chemicals prior or integrated to municipal solid waste and wastewater treatment plants and compare them with state-of-the art waste-to-energy technologies.
  • Investigate potential of lignocellulosic agricultural waste for the production of commodity chemicals, fuels, platform and specialty chemicals, via thermochemical, chemical, and bio-catalytic technologies both for the sugars and the lignin based pathways.
  • Survey technologies for secondary effluents of bio-based production industry (e.g., food industry, pulp and paper, biodiesel production).


Training School-2: Process integration and industrial symbiosis (application to future biorefineries as part of existing industrial clusters, visit to industrial clusters);

Training School-2: Process integration and industrial symbiosis (application to future biorefineries as part of existing industrial clusters, visit to industrial clusters);

December 13-15: hybryd online and F2F





Training school-1 : Advanced municipal waste valorisation : application of BSE tools for thermochemical treatment, integration to infrastructures, food-energy-water nexus.

Training school-1 : Advanced municipal waste valorisation : application of BSE tools for thermochemical treatment, integration to infrastructures, food-energy-water nexus.

Date: 08/09/2022 – 14/09/2022

Place: Guildford, Un. Of Surray, UK


Invited Speakers

September 8, 2022
Antonis Kokossis
Passcode: N.CB*3N$

September 12, 2022
Michael Short
Passcode: @qw9U+6K

September 13, 2022
Antonis Kokossis, Judy Lee
(combined recording including 30 min break in between talks)
Passcode: *B=cZ6+T

September 14, 2022
Antonis Kokossis
(recording of hybrid seminar at Surrey)
Passcode: 7&n?c18w

Optimisation for sustainability by Prof Urmila Diwekar:
Optimisation for sustainability 1 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 2 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 3 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 4 (U Diwekar).mp4
Optimisation for sustainability 5 (U Diwekar).mp4
And Waste valorisation by Dr Tomas Ramirez-Reina:
Waste valorisation (TR Reina).mp4

Workshop-3: Project overview “Best case solutions”, business development opportunities, exploitation potential

Workshop-3: Project overview “Best case solutions”, business development opportunities, exploitation potential

Place: Toulouse

Date: 15 June 2022






KT Consortium Annual Meeting 2021

This year’s KT CONSORTIUM Annual Meeting will be held only as an online event, due to uncertainties regarding Denmark’s opening conditions. As in the previous years, the meeting is joined with the CERE Discussion Meeting. The program includes 3 sessions: Thermodynamics, Water and Electrolytes, Process System Engineering, and Bio-Process System Engineering. This year there is one extra session with invited industrial and academia speakers from the EU project RENESENG II, where DTU was part of.

Reneseng II Kick-Off Meeting

RENESENG II Kick-Off meeting is on the 13th of July at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Athens, Greece.

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